Keywords: UNCLE, alloy, cluster expansion
The stable phases in the gold-copper alloy were identified using the cluster expansion method as implemented in the MedeA UNCLE module. The well-established AuCu L10 and AuCu3 L12 phases were found by means of an iterative cluster expansion ground-state search. In addition to these two well-established phases an adaptive crystal structure around the Au3Cu stoichiometry range, made up of repeat units of pure-Au and pure-Cu planes along (001), and a Au7Cu5 P4/mmm phase was identified.
Pure gold, pure copper, the gold-copper compounds, and the alloy are found on the same face-centered cubic/tetragonal lattice. There are two well-established phases in the Au-Cu alloy: at stoichiometry AuCu the L10 (P4/mmm) phase and at composition AuCu3 the L12 (Pm-3m) phase. The high temperature AuCu Imma phase is a long-range ordered structure consisting of alternating AuCu3 and Au3Cu L12 units.
Beyond these phases a low temperature phase is suggested at Au3Cu. It is stable in a comparatively wide concentration range and is classified as L12 (Pm-3m). However, its formation temperature (240 \(^{\circ}\)C) is much lower than that of AuCu (385 \(^{\circ}\)C) and AuCu3 (390 \(^{\circ}\)C). A cluster expansion ground state search by Sanati et al. [1] noticed that the structure around Au3Cu resembles that of an adaptive crystal structure made up of repeat units of pure-Au and pure-Cu (001) planes. In such an infinitely adaptive crystal structure any composition within a certain concentration range is realized by a fully ordered crystal structure without defects [2].
A cluster expansion ground state search in a configuration space of 34368 structures does indeed find the two well established phases, the AuCu L10 and the AuCu3 L12 phase. Instead of an Au3Cu L12 phase an adaptive crystal structure, composed of repeat units of pure Au- and Cu-planes along (001), is identified in the Au concentration range of 0.65-0.92. In between the concentration range of the adaptive structures and the L10 AuCu phase an isolated Au7Cu5 P4/mmm phase that has the adaptive structures plane-wise ordering along (001) is also found.
The cluster expansion method of MedeA UNCLE is the perfect complementary tool to analyze and understand phase stability. By quickly scanning through a large number of configurations with first principles accuracy stable ground state structures at T=0 K can be identified automatically. These phases can be more complex than originally contemplated and expected.
The adaptive crystal structure has been found using DFT calculations at T=0 K. Entropic effects, such as mixing and vibrational entropy, might significantly alter the stable phases around Au3Cu composition at higher temperatures and may lead to the L12 phase being more stable (e.g. at room temperature and above). Such an effect could explain the discrepancy between experimental data and DFT studies.
[1] | M. Sanati et al., “Adaptive Crystal Structures: CuAu and NiPt”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 045502 (2003) link |
[2] | J. S. Anderson, “On infinitely adaptive structures”, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 10, 1107 (1973) link |
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